Html Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet

The element defines a section in a document. According to W3C's HTML documentation: 'A section is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading.' A web page could normally be split into sections for introduction, content, and contact information. Grammarly word mac download.

  1. HTML5 supports the traditional HTML and XHTML-style syntax. In this article, we see HTML5 Cheat Sheet For Programmer and create a list of HTML5 new tags and HTML5 tags. In HTML5, new features in its markup, New APIs, XHTML, and error handling. HTML5 is the latest specification of the HTML.
  2. About This HTML Coding Cheat Sheet The HTML Coding Cheat Sheet brings vital HTML elements together onto a single downloadable PDF.
  3. A cheat sheet covering the basic HTML elements and their purpose. Can be multiple tags underneath one.
Html Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet

TL;DR – HTML tags are syntax components used to define HTML elements.

Html Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet


<a>Sets a hyperlink to another page
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or acronym and provides a full-text explanation to it (optional)
<acronym>DEPRECATED. Defined an acronym and associated an explanation to it (optional)
<address>Defines the contact information of the document's author.
<applet>DEPRECATED. Embedded a Java applet into an HTML document
<area>Defines a clickable area in an image map
<article>Defines independent content
<aside>Describes content to be displayed aside other content
<audio>Includes sound in the web page (music, streams, etc.)


<b>Displays enclosed text in bold typeface without conveying any added importance
<base>Defines the base URI or URL for all the relative links in the HTML document
<basefont>DEPRECATED. Defined a default font-family, font-size, text-color for all the text in a document
<bdi>Defines bidirectional text isolation
<bdo>Defines bidirectional text override
<big>DEPRECATED. Defined a bigger font size in HTML
<blink>DEPRECATED. Defined text to blink
<blockquote>Defines a quoted section
<body>Defines the HTML container that contains visible contents of an HTML document
<br>Defines a line break
<button>Creates a button


<canvas>Defines an area of the webpage that becomes a space for rendering graphics
<caption>Defines an HTML table caption
<center>DEPRECATED. Set the alignment of content to the center
<cite>Defines a title for a work
<code>Defines text to be displayed in the computer output style
<col>Specifies grouped attributes for columns
<colgroup>Specifies a common formatting style for a group of columns
<comment>Specifies a comment in the document's source code


<datalist>Specifies an autocomplete feature to be used with a form element
<dd>Describes a term in a description list
<del>Defines deleted text in a document and crosses it out
<details>Specifies additional details that can be shown or hidden manually
<dfn>Represents a term that needs an explanation
<dialog>Creates pop-up dialog models
<dir>DEPRECATED. Defined a directory list
<div>Defines a section or a division in HTML document by grouping elements
<dl>Defines a description list
<dt>Defines a description term


<em>Defines emphasized text
<embed>Defines an embedded resource


<fieldset>Defines a group of <form> elements
<figcaption>Sets a caption for a <figure> element
<figure>Defines a self-contained piece of content
<font>DEPRECATED. Defined text style
<footer>Defines footer context
<form>Defines a group of submittable inputs
<frame>DEPRECATED. Defined one single frame in a web page
<frameset>DEPRECATED. Defined a container for holding multiple frames


<h1> - <h6>Defines headings in a document
<head>Defines a space for declaring title, stylesheets, scripts and other document related information
<header>Specifies a container for one or more headings
<hr>Defines a thematic division between content
<html>Defines a document as an HTML document


<i>Defines an italic styled text
<iframe>Defines a frame of inline nature
<img>Sets an area for an image
<input>Specifies an element used to take values from the user
<ins>Defines inserted text in a document


<kbd>Identifies a user keyboard entry
<keygen>DEPRECATED. Defined a key-pair used while submitting an HTML form


<label>Specifies a label for a given input element
<legend>Sets a caption for the fieldset
<li>Defines a list item within a list
<link>Sets a link between a document and other external resources

Define Semantic Html


<main>Defines the primary content of the document
<map>Defines a client-side image-map (an image with clickable places)
<mark>Defines marked text
<menu>Defines a list/menu of commands
<menuitem>DEPRECATED. Defined a command, which can be invoked from the popup menu by the user
<meta>Defines supplementary information about a website
<meter>Displays a scalar measurement within a known range


<nav>Defines a block of navigational links to the main sections of a website
<noframes>DEPRECATED. Defined fallback content for the browsers which did not support the <frame> tag
<noscript>Defines HTML to be inserted as replacement if the browser does not support scripting


Html Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet Pdf

<object>Defines an external source that is embedded into the HTML document
<ol>Defines an ordered list of items in the HTML document
<optgroup>Groups the related options within a select element
<option>Sets an HTML option in select element list
<output>Displays the result of a calculation performed


Html5 semantic tags cheat sheet
<p>Defines an HTML paragraph of text
<param>Defines parameters for an object element
<pre>Defines preformatted text. Preserves spaces and line breaks
<progress>Displays an HTML progress bar representing the progress of a task


<q>Indicates that the enclosed text is an inline quotation


<rp>Defines a fallback parenthesis for a ruby annotation
<rt>Defines ruby text for Asian characters
<ruby>Represents ruby annotation for Asian characters


<s>Draws a line across the text making a strikethrough
<samp>Defines sample output from a computer program
<script>Defines a client-side script (JavaScript)
<section>Defines the primary content of the document
<select>Creates an HTML dropdown list with one or more options for a web form
<small>Reduces the HTML text size down by one size
<source>Defines sources for media elements like audio, video and picture
<span>Sets an inline container for formatting an HTML document
<strike>DEPRECATED. Defined a portion of a text to be struck out
<strong>Makes an important part of text appear bold
<style>Defines styling properties for different HTML elements
<sub>Defines subscript text
<summary>Sets the summary content for the <details> element
<sup>Defines superscript text


<table>Includes a table with rows and columns in a web page
<tbody>Associates the body content in a table
<td>Defines table data
<tfoot>Defines table footer content
<th>Defines an HTML header table cell
<thead>Defines the header of a table
<time>Defines human and machine readable date and time
<title>Defines the title of the HTML document
<tr>Defines a row in an HTML table
<track>Defines text tracks for all the media elements
<tt>DEPRECATED. Defined text to be displayed in teletype font


<u>Underlines the text
<ul>Defines an unordered list


<var>Defines a variable
<video>Includes a video in the web page (a video clip, streams, etc.)


Html Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet Printable

<wbr>Defines a possible line-break in a text